Yoga Asana: Reclined Bound Angle or Supta Baddha Konasana

Each posture in the physical yoga practice has a Sanskrit name ending in asana. Asana means seat or posture. Today we will explore Supta Baddha Konasana also known as reclined bound angle pose and sometimes referred to as reclined butterfly. When we break down the Sanskrit we see: Supta which = reclined, Baddha which = bound , Kona which = angle, and asana which = seat or posture. The name Baddha Konasana has been developed more recently, but is believed to have roots that date back to the 15th century in correlation to Bhadrasana as stated in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Bhadrasana can be translated as thrown and is known as a seat of meditation. This posture is restorative in nature and is often practiced towards the beginning or the end of an asana  practice.

This brings us to the WHY behind Supta Baddha Konasana. Each posture has potential benefits that are of course physical in nature, both internally and externally, and also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, yet it is important to note that not all of these are true for everyone and are also dependent upon the time, consistency, and sincerity of practice. In general Supta Baddha Konasana improves flexibility in the groin, the hips, the inner thighs, and the knees. It is a great posture for digestion and circulation and one of the few postures recommended after eating as well as for menstrual cramps and menopause. Similar to Savasana, Supta Baddha Konasana stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and physiologically speaking slows our heart rate, our breathing, and lowers our blood pressure.

Supta Baddha Konasana also holds symbolic, metaphoric, and meaningful significance to our own personal why’s. As humans we have the power to create significance and meaning beyond the bound instinctive nature of animals. We have the ability to gather our resources which include but are not limited to: our minds', our energy, our attention, our words, and our actions and therefor determine what we will CHOOSE to make important. This is your personal jet fuel for loving your life. So perhaps you feel a correlation with Supta Baddha Konasana and Svadhisthana or your sacral chakra. This correlation might translate as self acceptance, creativity, and the importance of play and fun. While taking this posture you have the authority to decide what part of you needs attention. You have the jurisdiction to soothe your inner critic or initiate a play date with yourself! Or perhaps you resonate with the reclined butterfly translation and well, the metaphors for butterflies are endless!

Make your practice matter. Ignite each posture with reverence to its history, understand its’ original intent, and don’t forget to add the secret ingredient of YOU.

How to do Supta Baddha Konasana:

Lie down on your back, bring the soles of your feet together, knees out wide. Find a comfortable distance between your heels and your bum. Bring the arms down about six inches from the sides of your body, palms face up. Or, start seated, bring the soles of the feet together and knees out side, recline back onto your forearms and slowly lower all the way down onto your back.


Back Support

1.   Place a bolster or blanket underneath your knees.

2.   Place a bolster or rolled blanket longways on the mat. Scooch your bum up to the base of the bolster and or blanket and lie down so the whole spine is supported by the bolster or blanket. You could also place blocks under the bolster to hold this posture on an incline.

Knee/groin/inner thigh support:

  1. Place blocks or pillows on the outside of your thighs/knees

  2. To intensify this posture, place sandbags on the inner thighs.

Head/Neck Support:

Place a folded blanket under head and neck until your chin is slightly above your forehead.


Place a sandbag or heavy blanket horizontally across the lower abdomen.

Eyes and mind:

Place an eye pillow over your eyes or use a piece of clothing (like the arm of a sweatshirt to wrap around like a scarf), the pressure and blocking the light can help the eyes and mind relax.

***Permission to modify in anyway that provides you with a feeling of safety & ease

Useful Props:

Blocks, bolsters, blankets, sandbags, eye pillow

Thank you beautiful Reader,

May these interpretations and descriptions aid in your understanding and inspire you to deepen your physical practice. Remember, you are the authority of your practice, you get to make matter, what matters to you.


Andrea Dawn

Andrea Behler